There are no rules of conduct for participation in the Rainbow Gathering. There are several suggested safety and practical guidelines (e.g. sanitation guidelines), but they only address the logistics of a large group camping in the woods, and are only the minimum guidelines necessary to make the gathering safe for all participants.
Since most of the guidelines are not written down but are passed on by word of mouth like the telephone game. most of the crucial information on safety and rules of conduct are not kept or even understood.
There is no policy or rules on how to deal with people who choose not to follow the set safety and rules of conduct guidelines because it is risking impeding on individual freedom.
Individual freedom which is the "key" of the gathering.
Freedom is still valued even when people are out of line and put others in danger even children just because they dont want to get in the way of personal freedom.
There are plenty of people in this world that use their personal freedom for dark and negativity reasons and end up hurting people and making things bad for others.
Having a set of clear well planned thought out rules can and will help keep Rainbow from being over ran by cloudy energies and people who just like to cause chaos.
Having rules does not take away personal freedom but protects the majority from the minority that like to ruin things for others. Either by being violent,putting others in harms way or just a plain negative attitude.
Its time to move our energies up and outward and grow past this limiting belief and behavior. Hippies wonder why they are misunderstood or not taken seriously. Its because they choose to stay limited in their set ways just like other groups that dont want to evolve because its a safe zone, its comfortable.
There are likewise no guidelines or rules, or official security team, addressing dangerous or unlawful misconduct, nor is there any official mechanism or policy for excluding anyone from a gathering for such misconduct.
Once again it is the responsibility of individuals to behave responsibly, and to protect themselves and others from people engaged in harmful misconduct, short of engaging in vigilante actions.
The problem and fault with this is not everyone attending these gatherings are fun loving and full o f joy or even have the capability to control themselves.
Heroin addicts,crack heads,pill poppers,homeless, train hoppers and drifters that have just made a living off of gathering and leeching off of friends and who ever has a good heart and falls into their trap . They know that us good hearted people have a good nature and want to help but i dont think enabling these folks is helping them. they need help, they need real jobs,a place to call theirs in this would with out taking from others. They need to grow up, feel and deal with their pain and make a contribution to the world.
In response to dangerous misconduct participants often react swiftly and decisively, often en-mass, to protect themselves and each other. Even though this protective response is voluntary and sometimes dangerous.
There is no actual protective system to keep the gatherers safe from harm or harmful people.
Anyone armed would and does violate the nature of the peace gathering, and voluntarily disarming is also considered an acceptable risk.
So we all know the darker folks that come here are armed and the peace loving feeling is quickly over when someone pulls a knife or has a gun. Then you know you shouldn't have brought a hug to a gun fight.
The gathering reflects a national populist trend of people reacting against the overwhelming self-serving power of big government and corporations which it serves.
Those from the classical political left tend to focus their attack on the power of corporations and their impact on the poor and the environment, while those on from the classic political right tend to focus on the power of out-of-control, self-serving big government.
Now the poles of political ideology are authoritarian v. populist, and within the populist camp the classical left-right polarity is redefined: the libertarian party representing the extreme right; the reformed party, conservatives; the green party, liberals; and the anarchists representing the extreme left.
Most others tend to support the two party system by default, in the hope that their candidate is the lesser of two evils.
The problem with this limited thinking is that we are someday going to need to form a new government and if we can not start even with a gathering it just tells us we have a long way to go.
There needs to be rules of conduct and even put different rules of conduct in certain camps.
This would really help everyone to be safe and feel like its not just a ramped mess of anarchy.