Monday, July 12, 2010

No Offical

There are no official organizers or leaders at Rainbow Gathering. All work, including all management of the work of others, is done by volunteers. Even the gathering council, which makes (a very few) important decisions affecting the whole gathering, does not generally appoint or establish roles at gatherings. There is no centralized management of any of the major operations that keep the gathering functioning. All tasks are handled by individual (self-selected) volunteers or small groups of such volunteers. These smaller groups organize themselves using the same consensus-based decision-making mechanism as the gathering council.
There is no organization behind Rainbow Gatherings, nor an infrastructure. The system of individual cooperation is sufficient to make it all work. After the gathering is over there is no remaining social or legal entity until the following annual gathering. The closest thing to a permanent entity associated with gatherings it probably this usenet newsgroup (A.G.R.) on which you are reading this message.

There is unanimous resistance to any attempt to organize the gathering by defining official roles, especially roles of representation or leadership, as these would usurp the principle of individual equality, freedom and autonomy that is the organizational basis of the gathering.
 **** This is the main problem******

 There must be functionality,structure and organization , its obvious it needs it. Go to a gathering and walk around. Its dysfunctional at best. The way to encouage change is to be the change.
Everyone has individual freedoms and ideas but each opinion is not created equally.
 People that show up are all "in charge" but when most of these folks are stoned and on "vacation" just watch how little gets done.
 It would be more efficient of we could realize that with structure the gathering would be more safe, run smoothly and take out most of the ignorant problems that are present.

There is also resistance to defining any organization that would represent the gathering, as this would also violate the most fundamental principles of the gathering.

I guess its the principals that are confused. Stuck in Boomer/Green stage of development.
Growing is a crucial part of evolution and to stay stuck is to loose your radiant self.

No offical is the offical.

No structure is the structure.

Dont be afraid of change...