Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Common goals

The common goal of trying to achieve peace and love on Earth that we all share within the Rainbow family and other conscious loving beings is a beautiful thing.
There are many avenues to achieve peace and love on earth.
None of them include closing your eyes to the truth,closing your heart to new vibrations,closing your mind to new ideas.

To have peace an love on Earth we must first start within,with ourselves.
If we are not within our own selves, in our own centers then we can not radiate peace.
If we can not love ourselves,accept ourselves as we are then we can not fully love another. 
Choosing love and peace starts within ourselves.

Making our Planet a planet of love and peace takes everyones effort to want to make thigns whole ,positive,joyous and wonderful. We are not all going to have the same vision or realization of truth.

The word opinion is a word that should be used with care, it reflects the ego side. The side that needs more recognition,more compliments,more energy to feel withs worth.
Realization is more spiritual geared and centered to a healthy ego.

We are not all going to have the same realization of truths. Having said this we must integrate knowledge . making a perfect Rainbow bridge. With out including all facets you do dont have a whole bridge.
The rainbow bridge being our chakras and energy centers that all are wheels of light and life.
They help us learn, grow go,create,love, communicate,have vision and touch spirit.

In our common goals of peace and love on earth we also have the commonality of our humanness trying to reach further past our conditioning.