As wonderful as cooperation, positive attitudes and a passion for the advancement of peace on the earth and harmony with nature sounds, it is clearly a dream that does not square with human reality truth.
Without a healthy dose of evolution. Still living on 1960's terms in 2010, it just doesnt work.
It is a passive, retreatist philosophy that uses idealistic escapism to avoid confronting the hard issues and choices that must be made if real peace and human harmony is ever to be achieved.
That's a dose of reality our Rainbow friends fail to really grapple with: peace will not be achieved by human instrumentality.
Rainbows are at heart non-conformists dedicated to self-fulfillment in settings that involve cooperative interaction with others. As one person on the above link put it: "People who go to these gatherings range from high functioning, intelligent, creative, insightful folks to dysfunctional, deranged, and lost souls. Kind of like the mix in our broad culture."
The most visible focus of Rainbow activity appears to be around their involvement with Gatherings of like-minded people to create short-term communities in national parks or forests. In total disorgization and lack of function it seems a bit lost. It could be so much more!
If only we wannted to cahnge. This is the sad part, if people dont want to make things better than the acutally reason they gather is a lie.
Look long and hard at the group mentality it always deteriorates to the lowest mental , emotional spiritual patterns of those unfortunate disturbed group members. Yes the Rainbow family has good intentions but they are covered over by the group mind.