Rainbow Needs Formal Structure

There are no official leaders, no formal structure, no official spokespersons, and no membership. This seems faulty 100 % faulty and this is the reason.
If i didnt care i wouldnt write this blog. Rainbow could actually be something to wow about if it had a structure.
There needs to be leaders and a formal structure, spokespersons would help as well it actually might bring in more intelligent people. Other than swagg hippy's, train hoppers and homeless.

Praying for peace with out a system of order is a recipe for disaster. You will really need to pray for peace in a system of Chaos.

Open free formed counsel seem to do nothing to help straightening things out or to form oder in a very chaotic space.
Free floating stray energies run ramped, kids have not much to do, even adults are looking for things to do other than walk around looking confused and trying to find places that are never marked well enough to find.

Making a formal structure would ensure that all the hopes,dreams, concerns,ideas can be fully realized and get something actually done. Its nice to hear everyones opinion but since everyone runs on different circuits and consciousness levels it would help if those in charge were on a higher consciousness level to help make Rainbow be a more integrated place. Even killers and racists have opinions i m hoping you realize not all opinions are created equal.

Having a structure would not be contrary to the "spirit of rainbow" it would actually help make more sense of what we are all doing and what we can do while we are gathering together.
They say if you have a belly button you are a part of the Rainbow family, they mean if you have a opinion and feel yours is the right opinion your a part of the rainbow family.

This narcissistic type of thinking was thick and strong at the gathering. Over and over we ahve to hear such elementary basic run down that everyone has a opinion. There are many levels of opinions depending what consciousness level that person is on is where that opinion will be rooted at.
Not all opinions are created equal or are they all right.

Finding a balance and order from a formal structure could take this Gathering up up up and away into higher places never felt before. But there needs to be the willingness to make the change and the fearlessness to take the plunge.