The Rainbow Family

The Rainbow Family of Living Light, sometimes known as the "Rainbow Tribe" as they call it.
Many people from different cultures,backgrounds, religions,and colors gather together with the common goal to attain and achieve peace and love on Earth. 

While going to the Rainbow gatherings is a great way to connect with others and gain personal peace and freedom but it doesn't and shouldn't stop there. Rainbow gatherings normally stay for about a week and then back to the real world. This is where everything that Rainbow stands for comes into play. Rainbow will be irrelevant if you do not integrate all the rainbow concepts and higher concepts into everyday life.

The Rainbow gathering is more of a escape sort of cult if it only functions inside of its self.

 Rainbow Family in the longer title are a reference to the families inclusiveness of all colors, classes, races and creeds. But to be truly "Rainbow" despite on if others realize it our not we are all brothers and sisters of humanity and we share many commonality's and we all have unique selves as well.

This is where the Rainbow Tribe has gotten off track.
While i have recently attended a Rainbow Gathering National i realized how watered down this whole notion of family is.
The idealism of calling each other brother and sister is beautiful and is very comforting but this is yet another flow of rainbow. 
Loving them all,brother and sister, we are all one, peace and love. 
Doesnt that seem limiting?
It does, there is so much more in our human spiritual potentiality this just seems to be the bottom of the ladder.
A necessary part of our growth but i just fear many are not realizing that there is so much more growing to do.

This was the main attitude i came across, the unwillingness to grow.
Not to take my beliefs or think like i do but to embrace all systems, religions and lift ourselves out of ignorance.
Not to stay still in a few dreamy notions that do nothing with out action.

Lets make these notions and dreams a reality instead of just saying these little phrases that have become so cliché and cheesy. it makes it hard not to laugh at.
If we want change , be the change. That is why this blog is here.