Pray For Peace You Will Need It

There is no official belief system or political ideology (apart from populism) common to participants at the Rainbow Gathering.
Taken from their "unofficial/official" rainbow site the purpose of the Gathering is to pray for peace.
Are you kidding? You will seriously need to pray with out a system in place to keep things in order because what you have is a Anarchy, with an anarchy you really will need to pray for peace!
Its an approach that seems and is insufficient ,lacks direction and purpose.

Every religion and political viewpoints,all colors and all kinds a re accepted. This is a beautiful thing but....
with having said that accepting others  it should stop there.
There needs to be a pulled together goal an integral approach integrating all religions an ideas into a functional gathering. Not just saying all are welcome but taking all those approaches and making it a part of the foundation of the gathering.
Authoritarian viewpoints are not accepted at rainbow because well its not a good view point but they are also threatened by any other view then the one they have, which is limited.

This is the whole point of the blog. Why limit your potentiality and the potentiality of this organization?

Toleration is simply not enough.

Its up to us to understand, compute and transmit the information that we gather and learn from all spectrum's.