Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Common goals

The common goal of trying to achieve peace and love on Earth that we all share within the Rainbow family and other conscious loving beings is a beautiful thing.
There are many avenues to achieve peace and love on earth.
None of them include closing your eyes to the truth,closing your heart to new vibrations,closing your mind to new ideas.

To have peace an love on Earth we must first start within,with ourselves.
If we are not within our own selves, in our own centers then we can not radiate peace.
If we can not love ourselves,accept ourselves as we are then we can not fully love another. 
Choosing love and peace starts within ourselves.

Making our Planet a planet of love and peace takes everyones effort to want to make thigns whole ,positive,joyous and wonderful. We are not all going to have the same vision or realization of truth.

The word opinion is a word that should be used with care, it reflects the ego side. The side that needs more recognition,more compliments,more energy to feel withs worth.
Realization is more spiritual geared and centered to a healthy ego.

We are not all going to have the same realization of truths. Having said this we must integrate knowledge . making a perfect Rainbow bridge. With out including all facets you do dont have a whole bridge.
The rainbow bridge being our chakras and energy centers that all are wheels of light and life.
They help us learn, grow go,create,love, communicate,have vision and touch spirit.

In our common goals of peace and love on earth we also have the commonality of our humanness trying to reach further past our conditioning.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Only you

Only you can control you.
No one else.
All else is outside of you, you decide how you will think,react,function accordingly.
We control ourselves.
Dont blame others for when you get mad,dont understand something or if your angry.
Its up to us to CHOOSE how we will feel and be.
Lets choose love,truth,kindness and liberation.

My Heart Song

This blog is my heart song about this topic, Rainbow the Gathering.
Those who are drawn and go to Rainbow all have different pulls and reasons to be there but we all love it.
Weather we mediate all day,smoke pot all day,go to Jesus camp or if you are a dirty kid. We love it.
If i didn't love it i would have not make a blog to explain that in order for Rainbow to reach higher potentiality we need to change our intentions and make a better structure for a better gathering.
Im sorry if your mind has tricked you thinking otherwise.

Mission of this blog

Our mission of this blog

we are here to say we love you!
Love everyone and humanity.
That is why there is this blog.
Not to tear down or bring down the Rainbow Gathering but to simply suggest
ways to make it better so that it may fully function,thrive and reach more people.

Lack of organization and knowledge of the people gathering makes it hard for it to be its best.
If we can encourage others to do more, be more then the Rainbow gathering can be even more bright.
Dont just gather to just gather or party.
Come with intention, come with an open heart and mind.
This means you will learn things that you may not have been aware of .
More than just tolerating each other its about integrating truths.

Dont get us wrong we are not here to “Judge” with negative intentions.
We are here to make aware of changes that could make it even more functional.

It doesn take any more than one to just open ones eyes at a gathering and look around and see beauty mixed with sadness of some of the folks that gather.
Not everyone does their part or even wants to pitch in.
Lets encourage each other to do something, organize,structure and build a better rainbow.

It takes sometime in deep personal time to realize that not all “judgments” are negative.
Noting something and making a negative harsh judgment are two different concepts.

“Plugging” in means to tap into what is going on at the gatherings and that may mean different things to different people. Being conscious,aware,getting into your humanitarian love center,helping,caring,sharing and loving. We all do these things in different ways.

Its time to “wrap our minds around” expanding our love, our consciousness and our intentions.

One of my favorite misunderstood Zen proverbs-

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.”

This one better explains it in simple terms
After enlightenment, the laundry.

Move and the way will open
Make the shift in your intentions and the way will open.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Time for the Group Mind to Evolve

As wonderful as cooperation, positive attitudes and a passion for the advancement of peace on the earth and harmony with nature sounds, it is clearly a dream that does not square with human reality  truth. 
 Without a healthy dose of evolution. Still living on 1960's terms in 2010, it just doesnt work.

It is a passive, retreatist philosophy that uses idealistic escapism to avoid confronting the hard issues and choices that must be made if real peace and human harmony is ever to be achieved. 
 That's a dose of reality our Rainbow friends fail to really grapple with: peace will not be achieved by human instrumentality.  

Rainbows are at heart non-conformists dedicated to self-fulfillment in settings that involve cooperative interaction with others. As one person on the above link put it: "People who go to these gatherings range from high functioning, intelligent, creative, insightful folks to dysfunctional, deranged, and lost souls. Kind of like the mix in our broad culture."  

The most visible focus of Rainbow activity appears to be around their involvement with Gatherings of like-minded people to create short-term communities in national parks or forests. In total disorgization and lack of function it seems a bit lost. It could be so much more!
If only we wannted to cahnge. This is the sad part, if people dont want to make things better than the acutally reason they gather is a lie.

Look long and hard at the group mentality it always deteriorates to the lowest mental , emotional spiritual patterns of those unfortunate disturbed group members. Yes the Rainbow family has good intentions but they are covered over by the group mind.


The Mean Green Meme/Boomeritis

The green meme consciousness seems to be a high percentage of people I know and see in the world on a everyday basis and I finally decided to sit down and read through this wonderful book and make some clear directed sense of what it is that is happening, how to process it and what can be done with out feeling lost or negativity for those on the Green stream, that is by far the last thing in my intentions.
I see and feel it ,process it and now i felt it was time to have a clear reference page to share with all.

Because the pluralistic relativism of the green meme has such an intensely subjective stance and because it tried to allow everything and not marginalize anything, it is especially prey to narcissism.
And exactly that is the crux of the problem : pluralism becomes a super magnet for narcissism.

Pluralism becomes a unwitting home for the Culture of Narcissism.
The very high developmental meme of green pluralism becomes a shelter and haven for reactivation of some of the lower and intensely egocentric memes(especially purple and red as we will see.)
In Greens noble attempt to move beyond conformist rules and ethnocentric prejudices – in short, in greens admirable attempt to go postcoonventional – it has often inadvertently embraced anything nonconventional and this included much that is frankly preconventional , regressive and narcissistic.

That strange mixture is bommeritis : high pluralism mixed with low narcissism. And that is the strange brew that has defined Boomers and *closely related generations.
Boomers were the first generation in history to evolve in large numbers to the green meme- an extraordinary accomplishment that brought with it civil rights,environmental protection,feminism and health care reform.

But then as we will also see the Boomers got stuck at green,lost in green and green that very soon began to go pathological. Green pluralism became a magnet for red narcissism and this explosive combination- bommeritis- very nearly destroyed a generation.

As Green became diseased,disturbed and frankly sick- as it became the green meme in all its ugly forms- the shadow side of the Woodstock Nation began to multiply alarmingly. We will see dozens and dozens of examples of this very soon.
As the MEAN GREEN meme began to extend its reach, extreme pluralism began dominating everything,ruling everythiogn,reducing everything to unrelenting FLATLAND-Nothing is better,noting is higher,nothing is deeper- all stances are supposedly equal in the eglitarian mush, and hence
“ Nobody can tell me what to do !” type of mindset and so of course narcissism finds a happy home, here in flatland. And there in one sentence is the tragedy of the ME generation.

Pluralism infected with narcissism – flatland inhabited by a big ego- by another name- Boomeritis.

The many gifts of healthy green are; as the culmination of the first teir mems,greens care and sensitivity breaks up the crustiness of the entire Spiral and thus prepared the leap into the hyperspace of second tier consciousness, where an integral that cherishes the entire Spiral will complete and fulfill the green ideal.

The green meme marks the completion of first tier thinking. What particulary defines the first tier mems is that each believes its world view is basically the only worldview worth embracing. Each first tier meme has thus covertly declared war on all the others. But starting with second tier all of this dramatically changed.
Second Tier Holistic Integral Embrace

Intuitively grasps the entire Spiral of developmental and this understands that each meme is important.

Grasps big pictures , global flows, universal networks

Discovers personal freedom without harm to others or excess of self interest

Sees integrative and open systems and holistic notworks

Reintroduces vertical hierarchy or ranking along with horizontal hierarchy

Works for both the enjoyment of self and the good of the entire spiral development

Ken Wilber: Boomeritis

No Offical

There are no official organizers or leaders at Rainbow Gathering. All work, including all management of the work of others, is done by volunteers. Even the gathering council, which makes (a very few) important decisions affecting the whole gathering, does not generally appoint or establish roles at gatherings. There is no centralized management of any of the major operations that keep the gathering functioning. All tasks are handled by individual (self-selected) volunteers or small groups of such volunteers. These smaller groups organize themselves using the same consensus-based decision-making mechanism as the gathering council.
There is no organization behind Rainbow Gatherings, nor an infrastructure. The system of individual cooperation is sufficient to make it all work. After the gathering is over there is no remaining social or legal entity until the following annual gathering. The closest thing to a permanent entity associated with gatherings it probably this usenet newsgroup (A.G.R.) on which you are reading this message.

There is unanimous resistance to any attempt to organize the gathering by defining official roles, especially roles of representation or leadership, as these would usurp the principle of individual equality, freedom and autonomy that is the organizational basis of the gathering.
 **** This is the main problem******

 There must be functionality,structure and organization , its obvious it needs it. Go to a gathering and walk around. Its dysfunctional at best. The way to encouage change is to be the change.
Everyone has individual freedoms and ideas but each opinion is not created equally.
 People that show up are all "in charge" but when most of these folks are stoned and on "vacation" just watch how little gets done.
 It would be more efficient of we could realize that with structure the gathering would be more safe, run smoothly and take out most of the ignorant problems that are present.

There is also resistance to defining any organization that would represent the gathering, as this would also violate the most fundamental principles of the gathering.

I guess its the principals that are confused. Stuck in Boomer/Green stage of development.
Growing is a crucial part of evolution and to stay stuck is to loose your radiant self.

No offical is the offical.

No structure is the structure.

Dont be afraid of change...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Om Circle 2010 PA

You  have got to be kidding......

I got these videos off of youtube these are not my actual videos

No one even knows what to do!!!

The  organization says they dont need structure!

We were down in the crowd on the left somewhere,  actually being the OM experience and raise up some awesome energies. It could have been 100million times more radiant if everyone knew what we are actually doing.

Does this look Organized ?

This is a quick video which gives you a taste at "Main circle" during the day light hours.
People are looking and wandering trying to find something to do. I heard many say " i head everyone say theres so much to do, but i cant seem to find anything to do"
A common problem of many.
Structure,planned out camping sites, Workshops that have function and organization would make a fun functional Rainbow. Not this wandering around stuff....

This video i found on youtube this is not my video.

Elder Speaks About Rainbow

This is a "elder" at Rainbow and this gives you the jist of the attitude and consciousness that is experienced here.
Out of all the people i met this man was full of light one of the least flakiest of them all.
I think this man really understands alot more than many that even gathered here.

The Evolutionary Map of Change

Coming Soon The Map Of Change.......

Camps and Kitchens

Water & Sanitation




Shanti Sena

Relations to Law Enforcement



Toleration VS. Inclusiveness 



Kiddie Village

Camp Sites

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1st Rainbow Gathering

Woodstock Inspired the 1st Rainbow Gathering.
Its due time we re evaluate the Reasoning, Purpose and focus of this Gathering much has changed since Woodstock! Generations are shifting, the universe is transforming. Time to let got of the old "hippy" ideals of the 60's and 70's.
Be here Now.
The time is now.
Wake up and change!

Wake up and Change!

Since Iam Somebody with the love,heart and right intention to  help focus and lift up this confused organization, i will do it. 
I will do this by making others aware of the possibility and all the options out there to make Rainbow shine even brighter.
Iam someone and Iam doing something about it!

Wake Up and Change!

Below is taken from the Rainbow site 

Once upon a time, there were four people.
Their names were EverybodySomebodyNobody and Anybody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it
When Nobody did it, Somebody got mad because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it,
but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
Ended up Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have in the first place.
The moral of this story is that when you find yourself saying
"Somebody should pick up the trash on the trail / make a sign to mark a kitchen / organize the parking lot / dig a new shitter..."
Remember: YOU are Somebody!!!
Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted to be? 

There is alot of work to be done at a Rainbow gathering if you wanted a relaxing vacation you should have went to the beach!

Get off your duff Hippys and do something productive! Theres work to be done, we dont need slackers!